Faces of LLS
Justin Levitt
Levitt's Work Grounded in the U.S. Constitution
Mary Culbert
For Pioneering Mediation Professor, L.A. is Classroom
Hon. Irma Brown
Staying focused on the positive while serving kids in court
Libby Schaaf
Oakland Mayor Schaaf Traces Social-Justice Roots to Loyola
Jennifer Cooper
Summer Job Diaries: Entertainment Law Student Sees Future of Film Industry at IMAX
Sung Kim
Loyola Alumnus Leads North Korean Pre-Summit Negotiations
Yvette Gabrielian
Student Applies Cybersecurity Concentration Skills to Summer Job
Kimberly West-Faulcon
Prof. West-Faulcon a Go-To Expert on U.S. Supreme Court Nomination Hearings
MavEryck Stevenson
Consortium Gives Alum Tools to Build Successful Solo Practice
Sam Donohue
Rising Second-Year Student Makes a Federal Case out of Summer Job
Hannah Brown
In Securing Freedom for Clients, Student Finds Passion for Justice
Mieko Failey
Loyola Alum Lays Foundation for Career in LGBTQ Advocacy
Spencer Sharpe
Summer Job Diaries: Aspiring Prosecutor Lands in Court as DA Intern
2017-18 classes preview
New Year, New Perspectives: Sophisticated Offerings for 2017-18
Hanna Sherman
Summer Diaries: Cybersecurity Student Lands in D.A.’s High Tech Crimes Unit
George C. Fatheree III
Pictures Worth a Thousand Hours: How an Alumnus Saved a Critical Photo Archive