Faces of LLS
Tracey Freed
Breanna Khorrami
Evening Student Gets Involved in Public Service
Ruslan Esenov
Foreign Attorney Parlays LLM Degrees into U.S. Tax Firm Offer
Professor Assesses Potential Legal Pitfalls for White House
Professor Assesses Potential Legal Pitfalls for White House
Angela O'Malley
LMU Coordinator Joins MLS Program to Advance Career Goals
AALS 2021
LLS Professors Address Salient Issues of Legal Academy at 2021 AALS Annual Meeting
AALS 2018
Loyola Professors Address Access to Justice at Law School Conference
AALS 2020
LLS Professors Address Highline Issues of Legal Academy at AALS Annual Meeting
LLS Holiday Checklist
Working on Your Law School Application Over Winter Break? Loyola Can Help!
Loyola Immigrant Justice Clinic Receives $260k Grant to Create Training Programs to Aid Clients Facing Detention & Deportation
Lydia Taima Munganyinka
Born a Rwandan Refugee, Student Will Use Loyola LLM to Boost Public Interest Career
Chemeka Goss-Kater
MLS Helps Federal Public Defender Investigator Think Like a Lawyer
Laurie Levenson
Levenson Loves the Law
Clinic Program Director Gives Hope to the Wrongfully Convicted
Clinic Program Director Gives Hope to the Wrongfully Convicted
Loyola Tax Conference Helps Nonprofits Navigate Evolving Laws
Loyola Tax Conference Helps Nonprofits Navigate Evolving Laws
Loyola's Thanksgiving Holiday Checklist
Considering Law School Next Year? Gear Up for the Process with Loyola's Thanksgiving Holiday Checklist
Federico Stea
Enamored of L.A., Italian Lawyer Uses Loyola LLM to Transition