- Evidence
- Criminal Procedure
- Jurisprudence Seminar
- LLB, University of Edinburgh
- LLM, Harvard Law School
After receiving his bachelor of laws in 1991 from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, Eric Miller received his LLM from Harvard Law School in 1993. He later returned to Harvard as a Charles Hamilton Houston Fellow, going on to become a joint fellow at the Harvard Criminal Justice Institute and the Harvard Civil Rights Project. He clerked for Judge Myron Thompson, U.S. District Court, Middle Court, Alabama from 1998-1999. Miller is no stranger to Los Angeles; he clerked for Judge Stephen Reinhardt on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit from 2000-2001, and was an associate at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges, LLP for two years.
Prior to joining the Loyola Law School faculty, Miller taught at Saint Louis University School of Law from 2005 to 2012. His work pays particular attention to the study of policing, race and problem-solving courts. Miller’s scholarship focuses the intersection of criminal justice with sociology and criminology, the study of problem-solving courts and legal theory.
Selected Scholarship
- The Drug Court Police, __ N. Ky. L. Rev __ (forthcoming)
- Knowing Your Place: The Police Role in the Reproduction of Racial Hierarchy, 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1607 (2021)
- Just Relationships: Desistance for Reentry Courts, 54 Ind. L. Rev. 565 (2021)
- The Moral Burdens of Police Wrongdoing, 96 Res Philosophica 219 (2020)
- Republican, Rebellious Reparations, 63 How. L.J. 363 (2020)
- Property, Persons, and Institutionalized Police Interdiction in Byrd v. United States, 52 Loyola L.A. L. Rev. 107 (2019)
- The Police as Civic Neighbors in The Cambridge Handbook of Policing in America (Eric J. Miller & Tamara R. Lave, eds., 2019)
- The Cambridge Handbook of Policing in America (Eric J. Miller & Tamara R. Lave, eds. 2019)
- Reasonably Radical: Terry’s Attack on Race-Based Policing, 54 Idaho L. Rev. 479 (2018)
- A Fair Cop and a Fair Trial in Obstacles to Fairness in Criminal Proceedings: Individual Rights and Institutional Forms (John Jackson & Sarah Summers, eds. 2018)
- On Behalf of the Community, Fordham Urb. L.J. City Square (2017)
- Encountering Resistance: Non-Compliance, Non-Cooperation and Procedural Justice, 2016 U. Chi. Legal F. 295 (2016)
- Police Encounters with Race and Gender, 5 U. Irvine L. Rev. 735 (2015)
- Challenging Police Discretion, 58 How. L.J. 521 (2015)