- Federal Courts
- California Civil Procedure
- Civil Procedure
- Constitutional Law
- Class Actions and Mass Actions
- JD, LUISS University, Rome, Italy
- LLM, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law
- JSD, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law
Professor Grossi graduated from LUISS University, Rome, Italy in 2002. She completed her master's degree (LL.M.) and doctoral program (J.S.D.) at UC Berkeley, School of Law. She worked for the U.N. from 2000 to 2002 and then went into private practice and worked for Clifford Chance LLP and Bonelli Erede Pappalardo doing national and transnational litigation from 2002 to 2008. She worked for Judge Charles Breyer at the USDC for the Northern District of California in 2010. Professor Grossi joined LMU Loyola Law School in 2010. She was elected to the American Law Institute (ALI) in 2011, and she is a member of the International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL). Her scholarship focuses on civil procedure, constitutional law, and federal courts. Professor Grossi is also a fiction writer, a pianist, a conductor, and the Music Director of the LLS Orchestra, an orchestra of about 100 members, professionals and highly talented musicians, which she founded in 2020.
- The Claim and the Relief: Revealing Missteps and Misconceptions in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Jurisprudence for §1983 Actions and Black Lives Matter, 14 Colum. J. Race & L. 1 (2024)
- The U.S. Constitution is Not a Code: Unraveling the Idea and the Meaning of Substantive Due Process, 76 SMU L. Rev. 649 (2023)
- The Waiver of Constitutional Rights, 60 Hous. L. Rev. 1021 (2023).
- Roe v. Wade Under Attack: Choosing Procedural Doctrines over Fundamental Constitutional Rights, ConLawNOW, 13 ConLawNOW 39 (2022).
- The Modern Law of Class Actions and Due Process, 98 Or. L. Rev. 1 (2020)
- Procedural Due Process, 13 Seton Hall Cir. Rev. 155 (2017)
- The Law of Personal Jurisdiction in 2017, Pound Civil Justice, 2017 Forum
- Frontloading, Class Action, and a Proposal for a New Rule 23, 21 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 921 (2017)
- The Claim, 55 Houston L. Rev. 1 (2017)
- The Claim-Centered Approach to Arising-Under Jurisdiction: A Brief Rejoinder to Professor Mulligan, 89 Wash. L. Rev. 487 (2014)
- Personal Jurisdiction: A Doctrinal Labyrinth With No Exit, 47 Akron L. Rev. 617 (2014)
- Forum Non Conveniens as a Jurisdictional Doctrine, 75 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 1 (2013)
- A Modified Theory of the Law of Federal Courts: The Case of Arising Under Jurisdiction, 88 Wash. L. Rev. 3 (2013)
- Rethinking The Harmonization of Jurisdictional Law," 86 Tul. L. Rev. 623 (2012)
- A Comparative Analysis Between the Italian Civil Proceedings and the American Civil Proceedings Before Federal Courts, 20 Ind. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 213 (2010)
- Federal Courts: Cases & Problems. A Litigation-Oriented Approach, West Academic Publishing, forthcoming
- Constitutional Law: Cases & Problems. A Litigation-Oriented Approach, forthcoming.
- Civil Procedure: Cases & Problems (with Allan Ides & Christopher N. May), Aspen 2022, 6th ed., forthcoming.
- Constitutional Law: National Power and Federalism (with Allan Ides & Christopher N. May), Aspen 2022, 9th ed.
- Constitutional Law: Individual Rights (with Allan Ides & Christopher N. May), Aspen 2022, 9th ed.
- California Civil Procedure: Rules, Comments, Cases & Practices, forthcoming.
- The US Supreme Court and the Modern Common Law Approach to the Decision Making Process, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Transnational Litigation: A practitioner’s Guide. Italy, Oxford University Press, 2010.
- Commentary To The Italian Code Of Civil Procedure,Oxford University Press, February 2010
- Venezuela v. Helmerich: Will Formalism Win Over Substantive Law? Again? 11 N.Y.U. Journal of Law & Liberty 1 (2017);
- The Courts and The People, 92 Notre Dame Law Review Online 1 (2017);
- Supreme Court Update, 2016 AALS CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION NEWSLETTER (2016) (with Allan Ides).
- Supreme Court Update, 2015 AALS CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION NEWSLETTER (2015) (with Allan Ides).
- Supreme Court Update, 2014 AALS CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION NEWSLETTER (2014) (with Allan Ides).
- Supreme Court to Revisit Qualified Immunity and Pleading Standards (with Allan Ides), American Bar Association Section of Litigation: Civil Rights (2014)
- Supreme Court Update, 2013 AALS CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION NEWSLETTER (2013) (with Allan Ides).
- The Purposeful Availment Trap (with Allan Ides), 7 Federal Courts Law Review 1 (2013)
- Constitutional Courts as Lawmakers: A Commentary on the Lecture by Prof. Dr. Rupert Scholz, 'Constitutional Court Jurisdiction between Constitutional Law and Politics – Taking the German Federal Constitutional Court as an Example. This paper was presented at the conference "The Mission and the Condition of the Supreme Court in the Contemporary Society," organized by the Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, July 2013
- Toward Transnational Standards of Judicial Decision-Making (with Allan Ides), presented to the International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL) World Congress on transnational commercial litigation (2013)
- Pleading Standards and Propriety of Filing Rule 12(c) Motion after Discovery (October 10, 2012) (with Allan Ides)
- Interpleader and Potential Tort Liability of Negligent Stakeholders (October 10, 2012) (with Allan Ides)
- Mootness and a Defendant's Post-Certiorari Cessation of Challenged Activity (November 29, 2012) (with Allan Ides)
- Aggregation and the Distinction between Separate and Distinct Claims (November 29, 2012) (with Allan Ides)
California Bar
Italian Bar
American Law Institute (ALI)
International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL)
National Civil Justice Institute (Academic Fellow)