Sande Buhai,
Clinical Professor of Law,
Director of Public Interest and Pro Bono Programs
- Professional Responsibility
- Disability Law
- Appellate Advocacy
- Trial Advocacy
- Administrative Law
- Torts
- Law Practice Management
- Public Interest Seminar
- BA, University of California, Los Angeles
- JD, cum laude, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
Upon graduation from law school, Buhai served as a Research Attorney for the Los Angeles Superior Court. She was then appointed Deputy Attorney General for the State of California, serving in the Civil Licensing section for five years. She joined the Loyola faculty in 1989, first as Visiting Professor and Executive Director of the Western Law Center for Disability Rights, then as Clinical Professor and Director of the Public Interest Law Department. In 2005, she received the AALS Section on Pro Bono and Public Service Opportunity's Father Robert Drinan Award for her work on behalf of public interest law.
Selected Scholarship
- Pets as Property: Signs of Change in the Law of Judgement Collections, 26 Animal L. 171 (2020)
- Towards a Parent-Inclusive Attorney-Client Privilege, 53 Ga. L. Rev. 991 (2019)
- Everyone Makes Mistakes: Attorney's Fee Recovery in Legal Malpractice Suits, 6 St. Mary's Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics 32 (2016)
- Statutory Damages, 66 U. Kan. L. Rev. 523 (2018)
- Preventing the Abuse of Service Animal Regulations, 19 N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol'y 4 (2016)
- Lawyers and the First Amendment: Conflicts between Former Clients and Personal Speech 83 U. Cin. L. Rev. 73 (2014)
- Confidentiality of Client Identity, ABA Journal of the Professional Lawyer (peer reviewed) (2013)
- Profession: A Definition, 40 Fordham Urb. L.J. 241 (2012)
- Federal Judicial Disqualification: A Behavioral and Quantitative Analysis, 90 Oregon Law Review 69 (2011)
- The Role of Law Schools in Educating Judges to Increase Access to Justice,24 Pac. McGeorge Global Bus. & Dev. Law Journal (2011) (with international co-authors)
- Access to Justice for Unrepresented Litigants: A Comparative Perspective, 42 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 979 (Summer 2009)
- Lawyers as Fiduciaries, 53 St. Louis University Law Journal 553 (Winter 2009)
- Unintended Lawyer-Client Relationships, Consumer Attorneys of California Forum, March/April 2008 (with Barbara Blanco)
- Emotional Conflicts: Impaired Dispassionate Representation of Family Members, 21Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 1 (2007)
- Act Like A lawyer, Be Judged Like A Lawyer: The Standard of Care for the Unlicensed Practice of Law, 2007 Utah L. Rev 87 (2007)
- Parental Support of Adult Disabled Children, 71 Minn. L. Rev. 710 (2006)
- Tax and Disability: Ability to Pay and the Taxation of Difference, 154 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1053 (2006) (with Theodore Seto)
- Externship Field Supervision: Effective Techniques for Training Supervisors and Students, 10 Clinical L. Rev. 611 (2004) (with Barbara Blanco)
- In the Meantime: State Protection of Disability Civil Rights, 37 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 1065 (2004)
- Honor Thy Mother and Father: Preventing Elder Abuse through Education and Litigation, 36 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 565 (2003)
- One Hundred Years of Equality: Saving California's Statutory Ban on Arbitrary Discrimination by Business, 36 U.S.F. L. Rev. 109 (2001)
- Adding Insult to Injury: Intentional Discrimination as a Prerequisite for Damages Under Title II of the ADA, 52Rutgers L. Rev. 1121 (2000) (with Nina Golden)
- Practice Makes Perfect: Reasonable Accommodations of Law Students with Disabilities, 36San Diego L. Rev. 137 (1999)
- The Times They are Changin’: Recent Trends in Disability Employment Discrimination Litigation, 10 Cal. Lab. & Empl. L. Q. (Fall 1996)
- No Dogs Allowed: Hawaii’s Quarantine Law Violates the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 29 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 145 (1995)
- Reasonable Approaches to Reasonable Accommodation, Ca. Lab. Letter (1991)
- An Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 18 Legal Serv. Sec. News (Fall 1993)
- Access to the Courts for Persons with Disabilities, 18 Legal Serv. Sec. News (Fall 1993)
Public Service
- 2010 - 2012: Executive Committee, Professional Responsibility Section AALS
- 2011 - 2012: Program Chair, AALS Annual Meeting, Pro Bono and Public Service Section AALS
- 2010 - 2011: Awards Chair, Pro Bono and Public Service Section AALS
- 2008 - 2012: Chair, Compensatory Education and Achievement Council, Eagle Rock Elementary School
- 2008 - 2009: Coach Entertainment Moot Court Competition Team
- 2007 - present: Reviewer for Women in Legal Education Writing Competition
- 2005: Father Robert Drinan Award, Section on Pro Bono and Public Service Opportunities, Association of American Law Schools
- 2000: Chair, Section on Pro Bono and Public Service Opportunities, Association of American Law Schools
- 1999 - 2009: Disability Rights Legal Center (formerly Western Law Center for Disability Rights), Member, Board of Directors
- 1999 - 2006: Uncommon Good, Member, Board of Directors
- 1998: Commission on Pro Bono and Public Service, Association of American Law Schools
- 1996 - 1998: Committee on Professional Responsibility and Competence, State Bar of California
- 1994 - 1999: ACLU Southern California, Member, Board of Directors
- 1993 - 1999: Self-Help for the Hard of Hearing, Member
- 1998 - 1999: Los Angeles County Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility
- 1991 - 1994: Executive Committee, Legal Services Section, State Bar of California
- 1989 - 1995: Committee on Legal Rights of Disabled Persons, State Bar of California
- 1987 - 1989: Committee on the Administration of Justice, State Bar of California
- 1987 - 2000: Judge Pro Tem (Small Claims and Traffic), Municipal and Superior Courts for the County of Los Angeles