LMU Loyola Law School

Loyola Social Justice Law Clinic

Los Angeles

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LMU Loyola Law School’s century-long commitment to social justice and public interest is embodied in the Loyola Social Justice Law Clinic, a diverse collective of 20+ live-client legal clinics. Our clinics provide high-quality, holistic legal services to under-resourced individuals and communities all across Southern California and demand accountability at all levels of our justice system. 

Justice in Action

Meet the Directors

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Loyola Immigrant Justice Clinic

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Paige Hewlett '26

"I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work with the Loyola Project for the Innocent team and witness their unwavering commitment to justice. Visiting Ernest in jail has been truly rewarding, allowing me to see the person behind the case. It’s incredibly fulfilling to know our efforts are giving him a chance to reclaim his life and enjoy the freedom he deserves."

Student Testimonials

LLS Campus Web

By the Numbers
Live-Client Clinics
Pro Bono Clients Served Since 1996
Total Number of Clients Freed
Pro Bono Hours Annually Donated

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