Our family has three Loyola Law School alumni. We, the parents, Samuel J. Muir '79 and Sharon Sanner Muir '80, met at LLS and married in 1983. In 1987, our son, and second of three children, was born. Kelly earned his J.D. from LLS in 2016 and his LLM, also from LLS, in 2017. I taught as an adjunct Professor during Kelly's L1 year (but he was not in my class. There had been enough "teaching" at that point.) Sam and I, as Alumni presenters, proudly conferred upon Kelly his Diploma in 2016. In 2019, Sam co-chaired his 40th LLS reunion, and I am now Co-chair of my 40th reunion, which had been scheduled for June 2020. That reunion was postponed, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, But, alas, a silver lining. The Class of 1980's 40th Reunion will now be in June 2021. That means that Kelly and I will celebrate our reunions together. And, to support the family legacy, Kelly is co-chairing his reunion.
Not only do we share in our family the LLS connection of education, but we realize what Loyola has meant to us for the place and and the people who are LLS. The statistics speak for themselves, and we are proud to be part of Loyola as it enters its Centennial birthday. We are part of a major law school, which not only produces the best trial lawyers and Judges, but delivers attorneys who exhibit humanity and caring for one another and for those who truly need our services.