Dean's Welcome

Interim Dean Brietta Clark
Brietta R. Clark, Fritz B. Burns Dean & Professor of Law

This Note from the Dean was published in concert with the February 2024 edition of Alumni InBrief.

We have just finished our third week of the new semester, and there is already tremendous excitement and energy on campus! I hope you enjoy learning about what’s happening in our community through these monthly newsletters.I have been so impressed by the passion and effort that our students have devoted to their law school journey, as well as their deep sense of public service and desire to make a difference in the world. I am also continually inspired by our faculty and staff: their commitment to our students’ success, their creativity in curricular innovation essential to preparing effective lawyers and leaders, and their influence as thought-leaders whose research and service has real-world impact. Of course, none of this would be possible without the support and partnership of our alumni—thank you for the many ways that you support our students, community, and mission.  I am honored to have been chosen as the next Fritz B. Burns Dean of LMU Loyola Law School. Since the announcement, I have been humbled by the outpouring of support from so many of you who are excited about our future and invested in our mission to advance academic excellence, promote social justice, and increase access to legal education. I look forward to working with you in the years to come—working with you to lead is exactly why I sought to be Dean!  Please keep your suggestions coming.  And for those wondering why my signature line still reads “Interim Dean,” this is because the new appointment does not officially become effective until June. In the fall, we will have the opportunity to formally celebrate this next phase of our journey together. Looking forward to the new year ahead,Brietta R. ClarkFritz B. Burns Dean
Professor of Law and J. Rex Dibble Fellow