Summer Job Diaries: Evening Student Bar Association Board Member Launches Career in Entertainment Law at FX

Tatiana Perez '22 is a rising fourth-year Evening Program student who is exploring her passions for entertainment and the law through a summer associate position at FX.
How did you land your summer job?
I regularly checked business and legal affairs postings on a variety of websites. After I applied, I got a call back the following week from a recruiter at Disney to set up a phone interview. After the first interview, I interviewed with two attorneys from FX over Zoom and found out I got the job later that week.
What is the most interesting part of your job?
The most interesting part of my job is getting a behind-the-scenes look at how some of my favorite TV shows are made. With having such a strong interest in FX’s programming, coming into this internship motivates me to be inquisitive and thorough on each assignment because I genuinely care about the outcome.
What has been your most challenging assignment thus far?
My most challenging assignment thus far has been drafting an actor’s agreement. It was challenging because I had never drafted a contract before and doing so required that I research and analyze similar contracts to ensure I used the right language. Up until this point, all of my experience had been litigation-based, so working on a transactional matter was a brand new experience for me.
What new legal skill have you acquired during your summer job?
I acquired invaluable knowledge about an industry that is completely new to me, and as a result, I’m more comfortable asking questions. It was a bit daunting not knowing a lot of the terms that were being used during meetings, but I remained engaged and curious. Since I am not afraid to ask questions, I have a better understanding of my department’s operations and feel more confident going into situations where I don’t know everything.
What bit of legal knowledge have you been able to display?
Because of the entertainment-based coursework I’ve taken at LLS, I began the summer with a working knowledge of some of the contracts I was going to see. Some of my class notes from those courses have helped me stay engaged during meetings and also provided me with a foundational understanding of the issues that have come up during discussions with my supervisors.
How has Loyola helped you map your career path?
From receiving valuable interview advice from my professors, to the networking opportunities available at events held by LLS' student entertainment organizations, the school has been instrumental in getting me to this position. With its various resources, I have learned how to craft a solid resume and best prepare for a big interview—lessons that I took to heart when applying for my summer position at FX.