Loyola Law School Professor Stan Goldman Releases Historical Memoir of His Mother’s Holocaust Survival

Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Professor Stanley Goldman has published his newest book, “Left to the Mercy of a Rude Stream: The Bargain That Broke Adolf Hitler and Saved My Mother,” from Potomac Books.
The historical memoir documents evidence uncovered by Goldman that the release of his mother Malka from the Nazi concentration camp at Ravensbrück, Germany was the result of a secret negotiation between a Jewish envoy and Heinrich Himmler, Nazi interior minister and SS head. The epic tale uncovers a piece of history about the undermining of the Nazi regime, the women of the Holocaust and the nuanced relationship between a survivor and her son.
“Left to the Mercy of a Rude Stream” has found early praise from prominent readers. “Professor Goldman’s account of this previously untold moment in history is seismic,” writes Ashleigh Banfield, the HLN, CNN and MSNBC anchor. “What a tale! It is not only purposeful but also riveting and enlightening. It’s a must-read, especially at a time when, sadly, there are creeping global similarities to the festering mindset in the run-up to World War II.”
Charles Rosenberg, best-selling author of such books as “Death on a High Floor,” echoed that praise: “A harrowing, haunting memoir and history. I couldn’t put it down.” Kirkus Reviews was equally as enthusiastic: “His mother’s story is astonishing; her survival, virtually impossible.”\
Founder of Loyola’s Center for the Study of Law & Genocide, Goldman’s previous work includes “The Jew Who Met Himmler,” a historical examination of the origins of the international crime of genocide as it arose out of the Holocaust). A prolific writer, Goldman has published numerous scholarly works in the areas of evidence, criminal law and criminal procedure. As a legal analyst, Goldman has provided regular legal commentary to every major national news outlet. He has published about 90 columns as a special correspondent for the New York Daily News and he has served as a regular cable news network host.
At Loyola, Goldman founded the Center for the Study of Law & Genocide, which couples research and practical advocacy to help victims of genocide achieve justice. It aims to promote legal scholarship on genocide and mass violations of human rights with a particular focus on improving and making more accessible and effective legal resources and remedies both in the U.S. and internationally. It also seeks to train current and future legal practitioners on using existing remedies to help victims of genocide and mass violations of human rights achieve a measure of justice. It regularly presents the Raphael Lemkin Award to those committed to combating genocide.
Prior to joining the faculty at Loyola, Goldman spent eight years as a deputy Los Angeles County public defender. He tried approximately 70 jury and 300 court trials and has appeared as counsel in every level of federal and California court, including the California and United States Supreme Courts. He teaches Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Evidence and The Law and Genocide.
More information about the book is available for purchase via Potomac Books or Amazon.