Luis Gonzalez
Juvenile Justice Clinic

Dedicated. Zealous. Brave. Creative. Prepared. These are just some of the words that demonstrate Luis’ tireless and tenacious work in representing clients ensnared in the juvenile delinquency system. Luis represents everything that the Juvenile Justice Clinic strives to achieve. From the first moment he enrolled in this clinic, Luis was driven to learn how to communicate with compassion and patience with system-involved youth trying to navigate the labyrinthine delinquency courts. He worked hard to learn how to apply the law to adolescent development, race, class, gender, and sexuality in effective and powerful ways for his clients. Throughout his time at the Juvenile Justice Clinic, Luis represented multiple clients, preparing investigation plans, interviewing witnesses, drafting motions, making novel legal arguments through his own research and creativity, and standing next to his clients in court. One of Luis’ shining moments was when he successfully negotiated the outright dismissal of an entire petition for a client based on his thorough investigation and preparation for adjudication. Luis then prepared another entire adjudication from start to finish and expertly conducted a cross-examination of a difficult witness, resulting in the dismissal of multiple allegations by the Court. Due to these dismissals, Luis’ client warranted immediate release from incarceration on the day the adjudication ended. Luis was a shining student and has become an outstanding advocate. We cannot wait to see how powerful and impactful Luis becomes in fighting for justice for his clients. Congratulations, Luis!