Work Study

Work Study

What is work-study?

Work-study is a form of financial aid. Work-study earnings are intended to assist the student with school related expenses. When a student is awarded work-study, the work award becomes part of the financial aid package and may impact their existing award. Students should consult the Financial Aid Office before requesting work-study. 

There are work-study opportunities on campus for eligible students. During the fall and spring terms, work-study participation is limited to on-campus positions. During the summer, students may be approved to work off-campus in public interest agencies. For details on public interest summer work-study, please refer to this page.

Where can I find work-study positions?

Students eligible for work-study must seek a position independently. The Student Financial Services Office (located on the LLS campus) does not assist in job placement. Student work-study positions may be published via Official Notice. Students may also contact professors or reach out to the Faculty Support Office or other administrative offices for available positions prior to applying for their award. 

What are the approved work-study positions?

Students may work on campus in a research assistant or administrative assistant positions.

What is the work-study earnings potential?

The work-study pay rate (federal or institutional) is currently $18/hour, and will become $19 as of June 23, 2024.  The maximum work-study award is $4,000 for the Fall and Spring terms ($2,000 per term), and $3,500 for the summer. Students may earn up to the maximum of their work award, but are not obligated earn the full amount of the award. Final earnings depend on the number of hours a student is assigned to work. During the Fall and Spring, students may work up to 20 hours per week, limited to 8 hours per day and five consecutive days per week. During the summer, students may work up to 40 hours a week, 8 hours per day and five consecutive days. Students do not get paid for holidays or jury duty. Exceeding the work-study award may impact the student’s financial aid package. The Student Financial Services Office determines the beginning and end dates for work-study contracts each term.

Who is eligible for work-study?

Students must complete the FAFSA for the current academic year in Fall/Spring and the following year for Summer. The Financial Aid Office (located at the university campus in Westchester) will determine a student’s eligibility for federal work-study. Upper division law school students will be permitted to participate in work-study if they are determined to be eligible. First year JD Day students are eligible to apply for work-study after the completion of the first year.   JD Evening students are eligible to apply for work-study during their first year.  The law school offers a limited number of institutionally funded work-study positions for upper division students who are not eligible for federal work-study funding. 

What is the difference between Federal Work-study award and an Institutional award?

Federal work-study is a need based federally funded work award. Institutional work-study is a non-need based award funded by the Law School.

To be considered for either work award, students must complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students not eligible for federal work-study will be considered for an Institutional work award on a case-by-case basis.

Institutional work awards are equivalent to federal work-study awards (Fall/Spring is $4,000, $2,000 per term; Summer is $3,500). Institutional work-study funding is limited. 

How can I apply?

To be considered for work-study, students must complete ​their 2023-2024 FAFSA​ for fall/spring work study, and submit the following applications/documents by the designated deadline:

Getting paid:

Work-study funds are paid directly to the student through bi-weekly paychecks. Students have the option of receiving their earnings via direct deposit or by paper check. ​Students must enroll in direct deposit via Workday under the 'Pay' icon.

Requirements and Responsibilities:

Students must:

  • Return the contract signed by the supervisor to Student Financial Services.
  • Wait for clearance from the Student Financial Services Office before they start working.
  • Report all hours via the designated electronic time sheet system daily, and submit their time sheet by the due date for each pay period.
  • Stop working on their contract end date OR when they exhaust their work-study allocation, whichever occurs first.
    *Students who consistently work 20 hours per week will exhaust their allocation before the end of the term.
  • Notify the Financial Aid Office of enrollment changes that may affect their eligibility for a work-study award.
  • Keep track of their remaining working hours to avoid exceeding their work-study award.
  • Adhere to any confidentiality/security agreements set forth on their contract.
  • Comply with the working position requirements as determined by their direct supervisors in accordance with their contract.
  • Notify their supervisor if there are changes to their work-study award.
  • Notify Student Financial Services and their supervisor if they wish to terminate their assignment early.

What happens once I have earned my Work-Study allocation?

Students are responsible for ensuring that they do not earn more than their work-study allocation. A collaborative effort should be made by both the student and the supervisor to track earnings. When a student finds they are getting close to earning their total work-study allocation, they should contact their supervisor to ensure they are aware.

Tax and FAFSA Info

All earnings from work-study are considered taxable income. This includes LLS's non-need based institutional work-study award and need-based federal work-study. The university will generate a W2 form for tax reporting purposes for work-study participants. You will need to determine whether you are required to file a federal or state tax return based on your total earnings from all sources in the prior year. Students should consult their tax preparer for details.