Study Room Reservations
Library Room Bookings

Library Study Rooms
Study Rooms are booked online and only available to Loyola Law School students. Small rooms require a study group of 2 or more students. Large rooms require a study group of 3 or more students.
When booking a room, the form will ask you to provide the following information:
- Full Name
- Email ( domain only)
- LLS ID Number
- Names of all group members
- Agreement to adhere to library rules
Each reservation is for a 1-hour block, for a maximum of 4 hours of booking per day. Reservations may be made up to one week in advance.
After you submit the booking form, you will receive an email notification with your booking confirmation. The email will also include a link to cancel your reservation if you no longer need the room.
Maps of the library floors:
- Basement Rains
- Rains - 1st Floor
- Rains - Media Center
- Rains - 2nd Floor
- Casassa - 2nd Floor
- Casassa - 3rd Floor
For questions, please contact the Circulation Desk (213.736.1117), or see the complete Study Room Rules.