Access and Check-out Privileges
LLS Alumni have complimentary borrowing privileges from the William M. Rains Library. To initiate borrowing, an Alumni Library Card Application is required. Please bring photo ID or your bar card to the Circulation Desk and staff will be happy to admit you to the library and establish an alumni library account.
For a comprehensive list of all borrowing privileges, please see LLS Alumni Borrowing Privileges.
Electronic Resources and Internet
While on campus, access IP authenticated databases. View the list of Research Databases on a library computer or your own laptop using the wireless password available from circulation staff. Alumni cannot access individually password protected databases, such as Bloomberg, Lexis, and Westlaw. However, reference librarians will be happy to help you locate equivalent material in print or on other databases. Additionally, Westlaw and Lexis are available at the LA Law Library and its partner branches.
Ask a Librarian and Research Guides
Stuck or not sure where to get started on a research problem? Ask a reference librarian for suggestions or consult one of our research guides, special webpages created to help you find the best treatises on specific subjects and get help with legal tasks such as drafting and legislative histories.
Print Materials
To locate print materials, search the catalog, check a research guide, or ask a reference librarian for help. Most California materials, including Witkin, Rutter, CEB, and Bender, are available at Rows 240 to 248 on the second floor (see map).
Printing and Copying
To print or make copies, go to the Circulation Desk and request to check out an Alumni Printing/Copying card. This card will provide you with a username and password to access the print/copy stations in the Computer Lab (Rains 2nd floor).
Scanning using the KIC and ScannX Scanners
Walk-up book and document scanners are available in the Computer Lab (Rains 2nd floor) for scanning and saving to Email, USB, and Cloud Services. Credentials are not needed for scanning unless you are sending the scanned document to the printer, in which case a username and password required.
Library Fines
The Library bills for lost or seriously damaged materials at the actual replacement cost of the item, plus a $25.00 processing fee. Library fines can be paid online. When making a payment online, select 'LS Library' in the Department drop-down. In the description, note the title of item.