IP and Information Law Speaker Series
Loyola Law School's Intellectual Property and Information Law Speaker Series meets on Mondays at noon in Burns 210. Each talk ends just before 1:00pm and includes time for questions and answers. The series is open to all students, faculty, and alumni interested in IP, entertainment law, and technology issues. Snacks and/or a light lunch with be served and, given the hour, attendees are welcome to bring their own lunch. Alumni and other practitioners interested in attending any of the series should RSVP to Bridget.Klink@lls.edu.
The IP and Information Law Speaker Series is held in conjunction with the IP Seminar; students enrolled in the seminar will have an additional class meeting with each speaker to explore the speaker’s paper in greater depth.
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February 13Olufunmilayo Arewa, University of California at Irvine Olufunmilayo B. Arewa is a Professor of Law and Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine. Her research focuses on issues related to culture, law, and business, with an emphasis on music, film, technology, and Africana studies. She recently received a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Faculty Visit Research Grant for a research project on jazz in Germany. Professor Arewa has studied classical voice for a number of years. |
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February 27Marketa Trimble, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Marketa Trimble is the Samuel S. Lionel Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Law. In her research, she focuses on issues at the intersection of intellectual property and private international law/conflict of laws, especially focusing on various internet law problems. She is also the author of the book Global Patents: Limits of Transnational Enforcement (Oxford 2012) and the co-author of the casebook International Intellectual Property Law: Cases and Materials (Foundation Press 3d ed. 2012, 4th ed. 2016). |
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March 13Adam Mossoff, George Mason University Adam Mossoff is Professor of Law at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University. He is also a Director of Academic Programs and a Senior Scholar at the law school’s Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property (CPIP), which he co-founded in 2012. He has published widely on the theory and history of how intellectual property rights are property rights, testified before the Senate and House on proposed patent legislation, and has been invited to present his research at the PTO, FTC, National Academy of Sciences, and Smithsonian Institution. |
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March 20Shyam Balganesh, University of Pennsylvania Shyam Balganesh is a Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and a Co-Director of the Center for Technology, Innovation & Competition (CTIC) at the Law School. His research focuses on understanding how intellectual property and innovation policy can benefit from the use of ideas, concepts and structures from different areas of the common law, especially private law. Some of his recent publications include: Causing Copyright, 117 Colum. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2017); The Immanent Rationality of Copyright Law, 115 Mich. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2017); The Questionable Origins of the Copyright Infringement Analysis, 68 Stan. L. Rev. 791 (2016), and Copyright and Good Faith Purchasers, 104 Calif. L. Rev. 269 (2016), among others. |
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March 23Laura Heymann, William & Mary Law School Laura Heymann is Vice Dean and Professor of Law at William & Mary Law School. Prior to joining the William & Mary faculty, she was a Visiting Associate Professor of Law at The George Washington University Law School. She has also served as an assistant general counsel at America Online, Inc.; as an associate at Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering in Washington, D.C.; and as a law clerk to the Hon. Patricia M. Wald of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Professor Heymann received her B.A. in English, magna cum laude, from Yale, and her J.D. from UC Berkeley, where she served as the Book Review Editor on the California Law Review. [Note: this talk will be held on a THURSDAY in conjunction with the faculty speaker series and will occur in Courtroom of the 90s. The talk is open to IP Seminar students and IP concentration students who RSVP in advance to Bridget Klink.] |
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March 27Michael J Burstein, Cardozo Law School Michael J. Burstein is currently on leave from Cardozo Law School, working in the Fast Growth Tech practice of McKinsey & Company. Professor Burstein’s research focuses on the ways in which intellectual property law, corporate law, and public law facilitate relationships among entrepreneurs, markets, and government actors and influence the production and dissemination of innovative works and ideas. Before joining the Cardozo faculty, Professor Burstein was a Climenko Fellow at Harvard Law School, a Bristow Fellow in the Office of the Solicitor General, U.S. Department of Justice, and a law clerk for Judge A. Raymond Randolph of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. |
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April 3Jennifer Urban, University of California at Berkeley Professor Jennifer Urban directs the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. Her research considers how liberty values, such as free expression, freedom to innovate, and privacy, are mediated by technology, the laws governing technology, and private ordering systems. She previously taught at the University of Southern California’s Gould School of Law, where she founded and directed the USC Intellectual Property & Technology Law Clinic. She holds a B.A. from Cornell University in biological science (neurobiology and behavior) and a J.D. from Berkeley. |
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April 10Kevin Collins, Washington University Professor Kevin Emerson Collins teaches law at Washington University where he specializes in intellectual property law. He has written extensively on issues related to the patenting of diagnostic methods and software. He is also a registered architect, and he is currently writing a book on the intellectual property of architecture (Cambridge University Press). He earned his Bachelors from Yale University, his Masters of Architecture from Columbia, and his JD from Stanford. Before attending law school, he worked as a project architect and lead designer with Bernard Tschumi Architects. |