Executive Director, Graduate Tax Programs
Associate Clinical Professor of Law
Courses Taught
- Federal Income Taxation
- Corporate Tax 1 & 2
- International Tax 1 & 2
- Federal Income Taxation of Trusts & Estates
- Tax Law Practice
- Business Tax Intensive
- Property
- Contracts
- Business Associations
- BA in Political Science, minor in Accounting, UCLA
- JD, New York University School of Law
- LLM, New York University School of Law
Julie Manasfi received a J.D. and LLM in taxation from New York University School of Law and a B.A. in Political Science with an accounting minor from the University of California, Los Angeles. She has a long history with LLS as she was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Taxation from 2008-2010, a Visiting Professor from 2019-2022 and an Adjunct Professor from 2022 to 2024. She was a tenured Professor of Law at the University of La Verne College of Law and an Associate Professor at Whittier Law School. Professor Manasfi's service experience there includes chairing key law school committees such as strategic planning, admissions, diversity and appointments. Her teaching experience includes Corporate Tax, Federal Income Tax, Tax Practice, Federal Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates, International Tax, Business Tax Intensive, Contracts, 1L Values & Skills, Property, Business Organizations, Sales, and Transactional Document Drafting. Professor Manasfi co-created the asynchronous LLS courses in Corporate Taxation I/II and International Taxation I/II. Her practice experience includes being an associate in Sidley Austin LLP's Tax Group in Los Angeles, an associate in White & Case's Tax Group in New York and a partner in Best Best & Krieger LLP's Business Services Practice Group in Los Angeles advising on a broad range of federal and state income taxation matters. She is licensed to practice in California and New York.
- Dodd Frank’s Volcker Rule Revisited: Do the Potential Costs Outweigh the Purported Benefits? 36 No. 5 Banking & Fin. Services Policy Rep. 12 (2017).
- Taming the Dragon: Drawing Lines—A Case Study of Foreign Hedge Fund Lending to U.S. Borrowers and Transacting in U.S. Debt Securities 6 Harv. Bus. L. Rev. 297 (2016)
- Joint Federal Income Tax Returns: DOMA’s Dead---If You Are Married, You are Married, But What if You Are Married-Like? 20 J. L. Bus. & Ethics 43 (2014); (double blind, interdisciplinary peer reviewed journal)
- Systemic Risk and Dodd-Frank’s Volcker Rule 4 Wm. & Mary Bus. L. Rev. 181 (2013)
- The Global Shadow Bank—Systemic Risk and Tax Policy Objectives: The Uncertain Case of Foreign Hedge Fund Lending to U.S. Borrowers and Transacting in U.S. Debt Securities 11 Fla. Tax Rev. 643 (2011)(peer reviewed)
- The Reasons Why Every Law Student Should Take a Tax Class lawschooltoolbox.com (2019)