- Administration of Criminal Justice
- Constitutional Law
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure
- Evidence
- Legal Ethics
- Trusts & Wills
- BA, magna cum laude, University of California, Los Angeles, Phi Beta Kappa
- JD, cum laude, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, Order of the Coif
While attending Loyola Law School, Stanley Goldman was executive editor of the Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review. Goldman joined the Loyola faculty after serving 8 years as a Los Angeles County Deputy Public Defender. His scholarship is principally in the area of criminal procedure, evidence, and Genocide studies. He has been a Bar review lecturer in Ethics, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Evidence, Trusts and Wills and Constitutional Law.
Reviews for "Left to the Mercy of a Rude Stream"
Professor Goldman's book, Left to the Mercy of a Rude Stream: The Bargain That Broke Adolf Hitler and Saved My Mother [buy on Amazon or Potomac Books], is available from Potomac Books as of Dec. 1, 2018. The historical memoir documents evidence uncovered by Goldman that the release of his mother Malka from the Nazi concentration camp at Ravensbrück, Germany was the result of a secret negotiation between a Jewish envoy and Heinrich Himmler, Nazi interior minister and SS head. The epic tale uncovers a piece of history about the undermining of the Nazi regime, the women of the Holocaust and the nuanced relationship between a survivor and her son. Kirkus Reviews delivered early praise: “His mother’s story is astonishing; her survival, virtually impossible.”
In the News
Television and Radio
- From October 1996 through November 2006, Legal Correspondent and the sole Legal Editor of the Fox News Channel.
- Special correspondent for CBS's Day and Date from September 1995 through October 1996.
- From August 1994 through October 1995, appeared three hours daily, five days a week on CBS National Network Radio as an anchor and news consultant.
- Legal analyst for King World Productions, CNN, America's Talking (predecessor to MSNBC), British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Television.
- Over 4000 television and 500 radio appearances.
- Hosted several hour-long programs on CNBC and appearing as a guest on CNBC over 250 times as a legal analyst.
- Appeared over two dozen times on Entertainment Tonight.
- Legal Columnist, Fox OnLine - July 1998 to January 2001
- From 1994 through 1996, he wrote approximately 90 columns for the New York Daily News.
- Quoted over three dozen times in People Magazine.
Selected Scholarship
- A Führer of Industry: Krupp Before, During, and After Nuremberg, 39 Loy. L.A. Int'l. & Comp. L. Rev. 187 (2017)
- “The Last Prosecutor,” 39 Loy. L.A. Int'l. & Comp. L. Rev. 63 (2017)
- “Is It Nobody's Business but the Turks'?: Recognizing Genocide,” 16 Touro International L. Rev. 25 (2013)
- “Hard cases: How Big Trials Changed the Law,” (forthcoming)
- “The Man Who Made Genocide a Crime” 34 Loyola Inter. L. Rev. (2012)
- “Searching for the Fourth Amendment: Looking for Law in All the Wrong Cases” 38 Search and Seizure Law Report, No. 2 (2011) University of Pittsburg School of Law
- “The Jew Who Met Himmler,” 32 Loyola Inter. L. Rev. 1 (2010)
- “In Defense of the Defense of the Damned,” California Defender Journal (Spring 2009)
- “In Defense of the Damned,” 5 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 611 (2008)
- “Seizing Private Papers: Greater Protections for a Digital Age” 41 Loyola of L.A. L. Rev. 61. (2007)
- “Run, Walk or Ride, Don't Try to Hide: Avoiding Police Contact and the 4th Amendment,” Loyola Lawyer, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, California (Fall 2003)
- “Walk Don't Run: Suspicions for a New Millenium,” Univ. of Pittsburg School of Law, Search and Seizure Law Report, Volume 29, Issue 3 (April 2002)
- “Running from Rampart,” 34 Loyola of L.A. L. Rev. 2 (2001)
- “To Flee or Not to Flee – That is the Question: Flight as Furtive Gesture,” 37 Idaho L. Rev. 3 (2001)