Arnold I. Siegel
Distinguished Retired Faculty

Arnold I. Siegel,
Distinguished Retired Faculty
- BA, Cornell University
- JD, Stanford Law School
Before joining the Loyola faculty in 1977, Arnold Siegel spent two years as a legal services attorney and two years in private practice. He began his career at Loyola as a supervising attorney for the Loyola Law Clinics. In 1979, he became the director of Clinical Programs and was acting associate dean for the summer of 1981. From 1982-84, he was assistant dean for Student Affairs. In 1991, he left Loyola and joined the firm of Gronemeier & Barker. His practice involved business litigation with an emphasis on employment matters. Siegel returned to Loyola in 1995 to head the Legal Research and Writing Program. In 1999, he became the coordinator of Ethical Lawyering.
Professional Memberships and Activities
- Member, City of Pasadena Planning Commission
- Chair, City of Pasadena Design Review Commission
- President, Pacific Housing Alliance (non-profit affordable housing development corporation )
- Panelist, "Implications of Coordinating Legal Writing with Other
First Year Courses," Association of Legal Writing Directors' Conference, Chicago, Illinois, July 1997 - Speaker, 1998 Conference of FDIC Regional Counsel and Investigators
Selected Scholarship
- "Some Thoughts on Dean Nancy B. Rapoport's Is 'Thinking Like a Lawyer' Really What We Want to Teach?", 1 J. ALWD 123 (2002)
- "The Jurisprudence of Yogi Berra," 46 Emory Law Journal 697 (1997) (one of 39 authors)