
Testimonials from Past Coelho Law Fellows 

Jesus Macias 

The Coelho Fellowship was a unique, invigorating, and motivating experience. I appreciated and continue to appreciate all the hard work Katherine and her team expended for the cohort. I was deeply impacted by some of the speakers, topics, and discussions. My cohort was amazing and we were a small community. After the experience, law school seems less daunting and more attainable. 

Alice Bruns

What was so outstanding to me about the program was the inclusivity of all our disabilities and how they were all considered for accommodations. Consequently, that was what gave me, personally, a sense of ease to be able to focus on the course speakers and readings and not have to navigate my individual disability issues. 

Matthew Yanez 

One take away from this fellowship is that the Coelho Center is dedicated to giving individuals with disabilities a much needed voice. This is achieved by meeting with leaders in the Disability Rights Movement who can educate us on our rights. We are also given the opportunity to present our ideas to national representatives and learn how to challenge those in power to do more for our community. Lastly, through collaborating with our cohort members we gain the confidence to use our voices to not only advocate for ourselves, but for all those in our local communities as well.

Jaron Pensinger 

The Coelho Center Law Fellowship allowed me to gain tremendous insight into the area of disability law. We got to hear from many accomplished guest speakers, and the program was ran phenomenally ran by Director Katherine Perez. Best of all, I got to bond with other fellows allowing me to make lasting friendships. I have gained so much from this fellowship, particularly a vast array of professional connections.

Elayne Ostot 

The Coelho Center Fellowship has been influential in allowing me to explore the intersections of policy and law. The fellowship has provided me with resources to assist me in furthering my education beyond just public health. Through this experience, I've been able to see just how policies like the American's With Disabilities act influence my community.

Vejas Vasiliauskas

I found out about the Coelho Center fellowship from the Center's director, Katherine Perez, shortly after being hired for the summer as her intern. During the mandatory introductory week, I felt as though I was able to connect with every single attendee on some level. I appreciated hearing from both lawyers and attorneys within the disability community. Learning about the struggles some people have to go through simply to receive their basic needs and have a successful education was eye-opening. I would definitely encourage students to apply for future fellowships with the Coelho Center.  Learn more about Vejas' work with The Coelho Center.