Summer Tax Intensive Program Online

Virtual Summer Tax Intensive:
The only program of its kind in the world 

For more than a decade, employers have valued graduates of the Summer Tax Intensive program at LMU Loyola Law School in Los Angeles because of their incomparable preparation to tackle the real-world complexities of U.S. tax law. The same robust curriculum is now available to students beyond the Los Angeles area (listed below) in a remote format, custom-built in accordance with the most current research on effective online teaching and learning.  

In one summer, you can cover several courses (12 units) of U.S. income tax law: individual taxation, corporate taxation, partnership taxation, taxation of property transactions, and the advanced timing rules essential to business tax planning and return preparation. At the end of the summer, you can offer prospective employers an incomparable credential, and if you choose, you may take an additional 12 units of tax courses online to complete your Tax LLM from LMU Loyola Law School. 

More than just video recordings of past lectures, our online tax courses are designed with your learning in mind. Using hands-on approaches, live discussions led by our leading tax faculty and engaging material for independent study, this program sets itself apart, rivaling the top online and in-person tax programs for thorough content and dynamic, high-level instruction. 

The Virtual Summer Tax Intensive Program can meet your needs whether you are a JD student, a JD graduate, or a professional seeking further tax-law training:

  1. For JD students: Take the Virtual Summer Tax Intensive during your first or second JD summer. OCI and other employers will value the credential (completion of the Summer Tax Intensive) not available from any other law school in the United States. During your remaining JD years, take an additional 12 units of Loyola Law School tax courses online or as a visitor in Los Angeles (with your home school’s permission, those units can count toward both your JD and Tax LLM degrees) and graduate with a JD from your home school and a Tax LLM from LMU Loyola Law School in the same three years required for the JD. Or just complete one or both courses of the Virtual Summer Tax Intensive on a standalone basis.

  2. For JD grads: Take the Virtual Summer Tax Intensive this summer. Then over the next three years, take an additional 12 units of Loyola Law School tax courses online or as a visitor in Los Angeles and obtain your Tax LLM degree. Or just complete one or both courses of the Virtual Summer Tax Intensive on a standalone basis.

  3. For professionals considering further training in tax law: Take the Virtual Summer Tax Intensive this summer. Then over the next three years, take an additional 12 units of Loyola Law School tax courses online or as a visitor in Los Angeles and obtain your Tax LLM or Master of Tax Law degree. Or just complete one or both courses of the Summer Tax Intensive Online on a standalone basis.

Our Summer Tax Intensive is offered in two 6-unit courses: Income Taxation Intensive (individual taxation, taxation of property transactions, and timing) and Business Taxation Intensive (corporate and partnership taxation). Both courses are offered for Tax LLM or Master of Tax Law credit; neither count toward the JD degree. Standard financial aid rules for legal education apply. 

To apply, complete the Application for the Summer Tax Intensive and JD/Tax LLM for Visiting Students.

For further information, contact Graduate Admissions at or +1(213) 220-0789.


States in which the program is available:

  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Arizona
  4. California
  5. Colorado
  6. Florida
  7. Hawaii
  8. Idaho
  9. Illinois
  10. Indiana
  11. Kentucky
  12. Louisiana
  13. Maine
  14. Michigan
  15. Mississippi
  16. Missouri
  17. Montana
  18. Nebraska
  19. Nevada
  20. New Hampshire
  21. New Jersey
  22. North Carolina
  23. North Dakota
  24. Ohio
  25. Oklahoma
  26. Pennsylvania
  27. South Carolina
  28. South Dakota
  29. Tennessee
  30. Texas
  31. Utah
  32. Vermont
  33. Virginia
  34. Washington
  35. West Virginia
  36. Wyoming