In an increasingly networked and complex world, law is not just for lawyers anymore: a far broader mix of people perform tasks that involve legal issues. The MLS offers professionals basic legal know-how to help them do their jobs better. The MLS program will teach students to spot legal issues, communicate effectively not only with their lawyers but with colleagues and decision makers, problem solve, and spot opportunities. As employers in every industry look to trim legal costs, the employee who is equipped to help with basic legal tasks can advance.

Cesar Callejas
MLS Class of 2016, Contracts Manager/Advisor
“Whichever specialization you choose, you have room to tailor it to your needs or the industry you’re in. The opportunity to grow is there, even more enhanced now with an MLS degree.”

Chemeka Goss-Kater
MLS Current Student, Federal Public Defender Investigator
“I wanted to learn the language of law so I could do my job better. With an MLS degree, I can now see the missing pieces that I couldn’t quite conceptualize before.”

Erica Tinsley
MLS Current Student, Computing Specialist
“In class, we are designing information security policies- this information is invaluable for cybersecurity experts. I understand the technology, and the MLS will help me work with lawyers to fill in gaps.”