Your questions are very important to us. If you have a question that is not addressed above, please email or call us at or (213) 736-1074
The application deadline is April 15, 2025.
The program takes four years to complete, including three summer sessions.
Beginning in the fall of 2022, first-year courses will be offered in hybrid format: regular on-campus requirement of just one night a week (Monday) with one night of virtual instruction during most of school year. Most evening classes run 6-10 p.m. Click here to see an example of a first-year class schedule.
Hybrid JD Evening students are required to take four courses in the first year, and a course during the summer after the first year. In the second year, students will take five courses, as well as a course during the summer after the second year. After the first two years of the program, Evening students may complete their degree – including fulfilling the Upper Division Writing, Experiential Learning, and Pro Bono Graduation Requirements – continuing in the one-night per week on campus schedule. Alternatively, during their third and fourth years, students may modify their schedule to participate in any upper-division course, clinic, or other program offered at the law school. In these latter two years, the amount of class hours, and nights per week of on-campus class, varies depending on student course selection.
It varies. For those students who work full-time, they will work 30 to 40 hours per week while in the part-time program. Some students work less hours depending on their other obligations.
The LLS Career Development Office provides a wide range of programs to assist students with their job search. Other members of the LLS community often assist with these activities. As an example, for our mock interviews for students, Loyola alumni conduct the interviews and provide feedback to prepare the student for real-life interviewing. Other services include career planning workshops, resume reviews, and activities that promote professional networking. In addition, the On Campus Interview (OCI) program assists students with making connections and setting up interviews with local firms.
Yes, Hybrid JD Evening students are eligible for externships after completing the first year. An off-campus externship is an academic opportunity to experience the day-to-day operation of various legal institutions, including public interest organizations, government offices and federal and state courts.
Yes. The Evening Student Bar Association (ESBA), together with the DSBA, governs approximately 40+ professional, academic and diversity organizations on campus. Informational, social and networking opportunities are available to Evening students before or after classes, as well as weekends.
LMU Loyola Law School’s hybrid Evening program is an American Bar Association (ABA) approved J.D. program. Please note some law schools may not accept transfer credits from distance education programs. In addition, students applying to the hybrid Evening program are encouraged to check with the jurisdictions in which they may seek admission to the bar to ensure that graduating from this program will make them eligible to take the bar exam and be admitted to the bar in those jurisdictions. Additional information on ABA-approved distance education J.D. programs can be found here.