2025 First Year Electives Information

First Year Elective Courses

Starting at 7:00 AM on Monday, October 28 until 11:00 PM on Friday, November 1, first year day students will be able to submit, in the order of preference, their list of first year elective courses. Priority for course enrollment will not be based on the time of submission.   

The first year elective courses available are:


Watch the recorded Information Session on First Year Elective Courses


Every effort will be made to assign you to one of your top 3 choices, taking into consideration that enrollment for each elective course is capped at 40 students.  First year day students who do not submit a completed Preference form by the deadline will be randomly enrolled in an open first year elective course.  

Note: Eligibility for enrollment in a first year elective is subject to academic performance in the Fall semester. First year electives may not be repeated.

To submit your preferences, please click here. Please note that you will be required to rank all six electives to submit your preferences. You will be allowed to change your preferences any time during this period.


Enrollment into First Year Elective Courses

After grades have been submitted and GPAs have been calculated, students earning a GPA above 2.75 will be enrolled into a first year elective course and notified via email.  Students earning a GPA of 2.75 or below will be enrolled in the required course, Law and Process: Privacy Torts, and notified via email.

After these courses have been assigned, students enrolled in an elective who wish to change electives may do so by emailing the Office of the Registrar (registrar@lls.edu). Requests to change electives are due prior to the deadline to add classes at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, January 22 and will be processed based on seat availability and a students’ initial elective placement. Students enrolled in Law & Process: Privacy Torts will not be permitted to change their course assignment.


Academic Success Program

In 2010, the faculty adopted the Academic Success Program to:


     1) Increase the number of students receiving academic assistance and to enhance the

         overall education experience of those students; and


     2) Improve students’ chances of passing the bar examination.seven

First year day students whose GPA at the conclusion of the Fall semester is 2.75 or below (based on the combination of final and midterm grades) will be required to take the Law and Process course in the Spring semester of their first year. First year evening students whose cumulative grade point average is 2.75 or lower at the end of the Spring semester of the first year will be required in the Fall of the second year to take the Law and Process course.

Please consult the JD Student Handbook for more information regarding the Academic Success Program.


If you have questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar.