The Transactional Negotiation Team began in the 2009-2010 academic year and offers students a “moot court-like” experience in a transactional setting.
Team members are given a complex business problem and, after research and analysis, develop a strategy for representing their client in the matter. They draft a term sheet or an agreement presenting their client’s proposal for completing the transaction, then review and respond to drafts prepared by the students representing the other side of the prospective deal.
The students go through two self- and peer-reviewed practice rounds, then face off for two additional weeks in a round-robin negotiation competition that is judged by practicing transactional lawyers who offer feedback and mentoring to the competing students. The judges address not only the negotiating style and technique each team member uses, but also the substance of the deal strategy the student employs.
As a result of the judges’ comments and the students’ personal assessment of the effectiveness of their efforts on behalf of their clients, the students revise their document drafts and re-circulate them for comment and response prior to the commencement of a single elimination tournament, also judged by experienced transactional lawyers. The first round of the tournament together with the four preceding rounds of negotiation, means that each student has a minimum of five evaluated rounds of negotiation.
The Finals of the tournament take place on campus in April, in association with a reception for students. All team members, friends and family, business law faculty and representatives from the Dean's office are invited to attend.
The Finals are judged by a panel of approximately one dozen practicing transactional attorneys from the alumni and Los Angeles/Orange County legal communities.
Course Credit; Prerequisites and Other Information
Credit: The Transactional Negotiation Team is a two-unit, pass/fail activity offered in the Spring semester.
Prerequisites & Enrollment: Business Planning I must be completed prior to participation on the Team. To enroll on the Team, register for the Transactional Negotiation Team through the Registrar's regular registration process. The team is limited to sixteen students; if more than sixteen students wish to enroll, a competitive selection process will be conducted.
More Information: An informational meeting for interested students is typically held each Fall to allow students to consider the team prior to Spring semester registration. The Fall concentration fair is also an excellent time to ask Prof. Kong any questions you may have about the Team.
- Semifinalists in the 2nd Annual Transactional Lawyering Meet at Drexel University in 2011