Interested in working for some of the leading entertainment companies in Los Angeles while in law school?
Students may obtain positions in the legal departments of companies in most branches of the entertainment and media industries—from the largest studios to independent production companies, and in law firms with entertainment and media practices. Students in the past have worked at Marvel; Warner Bros.; Lionsgate; Insomniac; Anonymous Content; Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton, and more.
The Entertainment Law Practicum course focuses on important aspects of the practice of law in the entertainment industry context, and includes a paper regarding their work experience.
Who is eligible to participate?
The Entertainment Law Practicum ("ELP") course will be offered in the Fall and Spring semesters.
How many units can a student receive?
Students enrolled in ELP will receive 2 units for the course.
How do I get an Entertainment Law Job?
Students are responsible for obtaining their own positions that qualify for credit. However, the entertainment student organizations (notably, the Entertainment and Sports Law Society (ESLS), Women in Entertainment Law Society (WELS), the Loyola Sports Law Association (LSLA), and the Loyola Entertainment Law Review (ELR)), as well as the Career Services Center, often notify students of internship and externship opportunities.
Students should also build and use their own networks for potential field placements.
The prerequisite for enrollment in the Entertainment Law Practicum is:
1. The student has previous legal experience working for an entertainment / media company or the entertainment/media department of a law firm (transactional and/or litigation); or
2. The student will gain legal experience while working for an entertainment / media company or the entertainment/media department of a law firm (transactional and/or litigation) while enrolled in ELP.