Student Experience

Our clinics offer students practical, hands-on legal experience working on real cases for real clients. 


Student Testimonials

Kyle Koats '25

Kyle Koats '25 on his transformative international trip to Tijuana supporting migrants with the LIJC.


Daniel Lemer '24

Daniel Lemer '24 credits his JIFS for helping him land a job in the Federal Public Defender's Capital Habeas Unit.


Marisa Harris '17

Marisa Harris '17 on her transformative experience in the Juvenile Innocence and Fair Sentencing Clinic.


Ava Hargett '25

LPI clinic student Ava Hargett '25 on the human impact of wrongful convictions.


Emily Bernstein '24

Loyola Justice for Atrocities Clinic

Nicole Abnous '26

Youth Justice Education Clinic

Mariam Bablanian '25

Juvenile Justice Clinic

Emily Epstein '25

Shriver Landlord Tenant Clinic

The 2024 clinical students helped remove barriers to employment and education, obtain protection from persecution and violence, and overturn unjust prison sentences.
This 2023 clinical students advocated in court, conducted field investigations and complex research, mediated disputes, and supported the work of our community partners.
The 2022 clinic students protected foster children’s education rights, mediated custody agreements, resolved tax issues, and welcomed clients home from prison.
Our 2021 clinic students contributed to a Supreme Court amicus brief, empowered immigrants, helped families mediate disputes, and so much more.
The 2020 clinical students immediately adapted to virtual case meetings and remote hearings to provide outstanding legal representation and advocacy for our clients.

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