Dawn Chiller
Lived Experience Expert Consultant, Training Director
LA County Project, Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST)

Dawn Schiller is the Training Director, L.A. County Project for the Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST). She is a survivor-leader and expert consultant in the anti-trafficking, domestic violence and sexual assault movements. She is a Phi Kappa Phi Kathleen Greey Fellow and received a teaching fellowship from Oregon State University earning her Master of Arts in Women, Gender, & Sexuality in 2020. Dawn taught Women’s Studies and Activism at Oregon State University. Her academic presentations and trainings infuse lived experience on topics of anti-violence, anti-trafficking trauma and trauma-informed care, teen/child abuse, the media, ally-ship, resilience, addiction, recovery and healing through a transnational feminist lens. Her memoir, “The Road Through Wonderland,” was published by Medallion Press. Dawn consultants for the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime, the Department of Health & Human Services Office on Trafficking in Persons (NHTTAC) and the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. She has served on several boards, is a founding member of “Survivor 2 Survivor” (S2S) and member of CAST’s “Resilient Voices.”