Loyola Project for the Innocent Board of Directors
Loyola Project for the Innocent (LPI) is a clinic at Loyola Law School that investigates and litigates claims of innocence. Our mission is to advocate for the wrongly convicted and drive systemic reform to prevent wrongful convictions in the future. LPI strives to educate our students and our community about the causes wrongful convictions while centering the dignity of the incarcerated.

Richard Steingard
Richard M. Steingard has been practicing criminal defense his entire career, starting in 1982. Mr. Steingard represents individuals and corporations in internal investigations, and pre-indictment, grand jury and post-indictment matters in state and federal courts and before regulatory agencies. He has appeared pro hac vice in matters throughout the United States. He has tried over sixty cases to juries in state and federal courts and argued over twenty cases before the U.S. Court of Appeals in numerous jurisdictions.

Brandon Fox
Brandon Fox, Managing Partner at Jenner & Block

John Horn
Financial Planner, JonHorn Capital Funding

Hilary Potashner
Partner at Larson LLP, former Federal Defender for the Central District of California

Jonathan Ramos
Johnathon Ramos, LPI Exoneree

Ibiere Seck
Ibiere Seck, Principal Trial Attorney at Seck Law P.C.

Marcy Strauss
Marcy Strauss, Professor at Loyola Law School

Hon. Carla Woehrle
Hon. Carla Woehrle, Retired United States Magistrate Judge for the Central District of Califrnia