The Juvenile Innocence and Fair Sentencing Clinic (JIFS) advances social justice by honoring the dignity of even the most troubled young offender through holistic representation. JIFS students redress the injustices of wrongful imprisonment and over-incarceration of children through high-quality, client-centered representation.
JIFS was founded in 2012 to advocate on behalf of wrongly convicted youth and youth sentenced to unjustly lengthy adult prison sentences, and to serve as a research and education center dedicated to reform in the areas of juvenile sentencing and rehabilitation. Its system reform work includes policy advocacy on issues such as resentencing for youth sentenced to Life Without Parole (LWOP) and early parole opportunities for youth sentenced as adults.
JIFS students are in public interest and public defender offices all over California and the United States, bringing a new vision of holistic defense representation that has transformed the landscape of criminal justice.
Juvenile Innocence & Fair Sentencing Clinic
Founders Hall
919 Albany St.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Christopher Hawthorne
Clinical Director
FH 241
Susan Sands
Staff Attorney
Alice Newman
Supervising Attorney
FH 242