In C-MAC, students receive 30 hours of basic mediation training, and then provide conciliation (telephone mediation) and/or face-to-face mediation services in a wide variety of cases including, but not limited to, landlord-tenant, neighbor-to-neighbor, family disputes, divorce (classic and collaborative mediation), consumer-merchant, discrimination, organizational, and employment disputes. Students gain invaluable hands-on conciliation and mediation experience and hone interviewing, problem assessment, case management, and negotiation skills by performing a high volume of intakes, convening cases (getting the parties to the table), and participating in conciliations, and co-mediations under professional supervision. C-MAC students may also participate in our Mediator in Residence Program, Landlord-Tenant Options Counseling Program, and Consumer-Debt Options Counseling Program. Students may interview for units (the number is flexible), pro bono, and work-study positions. A two-semester commitment is requested not required. Students who take two units and earn units toward their experiential learning requirement. C-MAC is available to take in the fall, spring, and summer semesters.