C-LAW is a project of the Loyola Center for Conflict Resolution. In C-LAW students participate in a 5-day training (pre-semester) learning the fundamentals of family law and the collaborative family law process with Professor Kevin Chroman and a collaborative family law team from the Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association (LACFLA), which includes attorneys, mental health, and financial professionals. C-LAW students along with the professional team, advocate for clients in the collaborative divorce mediation. C-LAW’s goal is to provide collaborative family law divorce services for under-represented families in Los Angeles County. LCCR’s process for divorcing families may include a combination of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Service is provided in this two-unit clinic on Fridays during the fall semester only. Students who take two units satisfy their pro bono requirement and earn units toward their experiential learning requirement. (Next C-LAW is fall 2022).