The Loyola Center for Conflict Resolution Frequently Asked Questions
The LCCR does two things:
i) Conflict Resolution: mediation, conciliation and facilitation.
ii) Conflict Resolution Training: communication skills, mediation and conciliation.
Mediation is when people in conflict sit down with a neutral mediator and talk face-to-face.
You don't have to. Give The CCR the other person's name and telephone number or address and The CCR will talk to them for you. The CCR calls this CONCILIATION.
You don't have to. The CCR will ask them.
Many of the people who call The CCR feel this way. To their surprise, the other person often does agree.
A neutral facilitator from The CCR can assist you and your group to resolve issues and concerns such as how best to structure your process and work together, how to communicate better, and how to resolve your conflicts.
They are good listeners and good communicators who help people to talk and to listen. They do not take sides; they do not judge people; and they do not tell people what to do.
A two party mediation usually takes three to four hours.
Any number can.
No. The LCCR does not give legal advice or represent anyone. If you need legal advice or any other kind of advice, The LCCR will refer you to someone who can advise you.
If you are coming for help with your divorce, and you choose to use our collaborative mediation process, there are volunteers who can give you legal information that will help you make decisions.
The LCCR does two kinds of Training:
1) Training for persons who want to learn how to use conflict resolution skills and process when they are communicating with others, such as family member, neighbors, and co-workers.
2) Training for persons who want to learn how to use conflict resolution skills and process for helping others to communicate to resolve their conflicts (mediation training).
Just call The CCR’s Coordinating Secretary at 213-736-1083.
We can structure Training to your particular situation. Our most popular Trainings are our 4-hour Communication Skills Training and our 40-hour Nuts & Bolts Mediation Training.
No. The LCCR can come to you.
No. The Center can provide all of its services in Spanish, and translators and volunteers are available for providing service in other languages.
No one will be charged a fee for the services of The LCCR who cannot afford to pay. A sliding fee schedule will be used for those who can afford to pay.
The LCCR’s services are made possible through major support from the Los Angeles County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services through the California Dispute Resolutions Program Act, and through Loyola Law School.
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