The Loyola Center for Conflict Resolution (LCCR) was founded in 1993 specifically to provide community conflict resolution services to Los Angeles (LA) County residents, and to train and mentor Loyola Law School students to provide those services. Our experience with the community over the last 28 years is that people are seeking information on options available for resolving disputes outside of court. We assist many indigent, marginalized, and/or under-served communities in Los Angeles County who face significant barriers when trying to access necessities, such as food and housing, and legal services, including conflict resolution. This includes non-English speaking parties, and undocumented immigrants, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and families in general. At LCCR, we create a safe space that allows the participants to reach durable agreements by helping them figure out what their options are and letting them decide what works best for them. With our program, parties have the ability to make decisions for themselves and the court docket is freed up to deal with cases that need judicial involvement. It is win- win.
The LCCR provides a wide variety of ADR services in English and in Spanish, as well as other languages, based on our highly diverse student and volunteer pool. Our services include but are not limited to, mediation, conciliation, facilitation, intake and convening, problem assessment, options counseling, information and referral, as well as collateral services. The LCCR clinical program currently has three live clinics as follows:
- Who We Are
- Our Work
- FAQs
- Español
Loyola Center for Conflict Resolution (LCCR), a community-based mediation program, has served over 55,000 Los Angeles County residents since 1993, providing bilingual (English/Spanish) conflict resolution training and mediation services, including telephone conciliation and large group facilitation services. These services are provided by professional mediators alongside Loyola Law School students.
The Loyola Center for Conflict Resolution is both a law school clinical program and a community mediation program of Loyola Law School (LLS), a non-profit 501(c)(3), ABA accredited, full-time law school, which was established in 1920, and is located near downtown Los Angeles. LLS is a part of Loyola Marymount University (LMU). LMU, LLS and the LCCR are committed to community service and non-discrimination.

Conciliation & Mediation Assistance Clinic (C-MAC)
At C-MAC students receive mediation training, and then provide conciliation (telephone mediation) and face-to-face mediation service in a wide variety of cases including, but not limited to, landlord-tenant, neighbor-to-neighbor, family disputes, divorce (classic and collaborative mediation), consumer-merchant, discrimination, organization, employment and youth restorative justice conferencing.
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Collaborative Family Law Clinic (C-LAW)
At C-LAW students learn the fundamentals of family law (two days) and then get trained in the collaborative law process by the Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association (LACFLA) (three days). After this five-day training (pre-semester), students work closely with Professor Kevin Chroman and a collaborative law team to advocate for clients in collaborative divorce mediation provided by the C-MAC Clinic.
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Dependency Court Mediation Assistance Clinic (DC-MAC)
In DC-MAC students are able to participate in Dependency Court Mediations at the Edmund D. Edelman Children’s Court on Mondays and/or Tuesdays.
Learn MoreThe LCCR also provides communication skills training and mediation education and training to LA County residents and to law school students, who serve as volunteers. Our main training service goal is to create future community leaders by providing excellent instruction, supervision and mentoring in mediation, conciliation, communication skill sets, problem solving, and conflict resolution, and to instill a community service heart through their training and work for the LCCR. We focus on integrity, ethics and fairness of process. We seek to educate the community in communication skills so they can be better conflict resolvers at home and at work. Our process focuses on bridging relationships and creating understanding in the community, with the goal of a more peaceful society.
These services are provided in English and Spanish. LCCR's services are confidential. To request help, please call (213) 736-1145 or visit this website
These Services Are Made Possible Through Major Support from the Los Angeles County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services Through the California Dispute Resolution Programs Act.
By the Numbers

Hours of Community Service

Total Persons Assisted

Cases Managed

Students Trained in Mediation
Loyola Center for Conflict Resolution
Loyola Law School
919 Albany St.
Cassasa 102
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Office Hours
M-Th: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
F: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Evenings and weekends by appointment