IHRC Submits to the UN Parallel Report on Turkmenistan (June 2024)

In June 2024 Chandra Ingram (JD 2025), Marilynn Escún Yac (JD 2024), two of the students of the International Human Rights Center, and Megan Mars (JD 2023), a fellow at Science for Democracy, wrote a civil society report for Turkmenistan’s third periodic review under the Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights. The report was jointly prepared by the IHRC, Science for Democracy, and Progres Foundation. The report discusses how Turkmenistan is failing to fulfill its obligations to protect sexual and reproductive health under the Covenant (specifically Articles 2, 3, 12, 13 and 15) because of the criminalization of abortion, inadequate comprehensive sexuality education, virginity testing in schools, and the lack of meaningful contraceptive and family planning services and information. Unfortunately, gender inequality is widespread in Turkmenistan. Sexual and reproductive healthcare, specifically resources and information, are inadequate or lacking altogether. This is exacerbated by state-controlled media and its failure to disseminate scientific knowledge. The report recommends that change should originate in school curriculums and be reinforced by removing regulations and restrictions that deny women their right to bodily autonomy.

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