Summer Job Diaries: 1L Student Earns Coveted Big Law Summer Fellowship

Loyola Law School, Los Angeles JD student Trevor Yedoni ’20 is spending his summer as a 1L Fellow at Latham & Watkins LLP. This competitive fellowship is unique in its availability to first-year students, who are offered a mentor in the firm. As part of the program, fellows spend the first half of the summer in one of the firm’s U.S. offices and the second half in the legal department of one of its clients.
Q: How did you land your summer job?
A: Other than grinding for stellar grades (and drinking copious amounts of caffeine), I think what helped me the most is Loyola Law School’s fantastic Career Development Office (shout out to my counselor Associate Director Jolene Horn)! Their assistance in navigating the process was definitely integral. They helped me every step of the way and even connected me with alumni to help me with the interview process.
Q: What is the most interesting part of your job?
A: I love everyone I work with, and there is definitely something to say about the Latham culture. It is very cohesive and inclusive, and everyone is friends with each other. Latham really takes its “one firm” mantra to heart.
It is also very cool to know that the deals I’m working on are worth billions of dollars. Additionally, a unique part of my position is that I get to work in-house at Vans for half the summer and see what life is like on the other side as in-house counsel. Before anyone asks, no, I can’t get you free shoes!
Q: What has been your most challenging assignment thus far?
A: My most challenging assignment was drafting a memorandum after researching a substantial California law. It’s been a fulfilling and stimulating project, and the feedback on my legal writing has been invaluable.
Q: What new legal skill(s) have you acquired during your summer job?
A: This answer might sound weird, but one of the skills I picked up is learning when to just stop and tell the supervising attorney that you haven’t found anything. There was nothing more dreadful than spending a couple hours researching some sort of precedent and coming up empty. But sometimes that is the right answer, and your supervisor is just having you confirm it!
It’s also been very valuable to expand my research experience beyond Westlaw and Lexis. Getting comfortable with more corporate-focused search websites will really help in future endeavors.
Q: What legal knowledge have you been able to display?
A: I have been able to display my aptitude for learning on the go and utilizing available resources. Sitting down on Day One and not knowing what you are doing can be a little nerve-racking, but one of the great things about law is that you are always presented with new puzzles to solve. From what I’ve gathered, knowing the answer isn’t as important as being able to find the answer.
Q: How has Loyola helped you map your career path?
A: None of this would be possible without the support of the incredible community at Loyola Law School. The Career Development Office has been a phenomenal resource. I also owe a huge thank you to my fellow classmates who made the 1L year memorable. Lastly, I’ve been blessed with some unbelievable professors. Loyola has pushed me to be the best I can be, and without it, my career would not have the upward trajectory that it now has.
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